Thursday 30 August 2012

Bride of The Sun

sape suka cerita korea angkat tangan!!
sayerrr sangat suka cerita korea (eh orang lain pun suka gak la)

Bride of the sun sekarang ditayang kan kat ONE tv asia (393) mesti la astro yang tayang hoho
best sangat kot cerita ni..tiap2 hari aku tercongok depan tv..fav channel..sejak ada ONE ni channel lain cam kurang sket la..melekat jek kat channel ni..

sorry ye One Tv Asia saya mencilok sinopsis yee..

"Bride of the Sun" is a story about the love and success of a woman who stands strong and heals the wounds of her family. Kim Hyo-won (Jang Shin-young), an intern, falls in love with Jin-hyuk (Jung Eun-woo), a tall and handsome young man who disguises his identity and works in the theme park. Caught in financial difficulties, she chooses to give up everything and marries a billionaire business tycoon.
Starring: Jang Shin-young (I Am Legend), Jung Eun-woo, Han Jin-hee, Yun Mi-joo.
saya suka..saya suka..tak sabar nak tengok ending cerita ni..

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